No, not a night wacked out on goofballs, rather an evening trying to isolate what was shorting my kitchen sockets circuit. All rather frustrating as I tried each bloody plug, socket, oven extractor fan, boiler etc etc, all the while my freezer defrosted and my girlfriend whined that there was no hot water for her to wax her lady bits.

In the end, i had to call an electrician who pinpointed the problem to the sparker thing on my hob - some moron had wired it into a socket which meant the wire burnt out.
A big thank you to Sean at
S G Electrical who came out at very short notice, identified the problem and sorted it out in the time it took me to eat my weetabix. Nice price, too.
Identifying this sort of problem is difficult, let alone sorting it yourself. Leave electrics to the pros would be my advice. If you need a good, reliable, friendly electrician in Crouch End, call Sean at S G Electrical on 020 8351 7769.
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